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According to research statistics compiled by Pew, over the next decade, more than 10,000 baby boomers will reach age 65. The aging of this huge cohort of Americans of which 26 percent of the total U.S. population are Baby Boomers will dramatically change the composition of this nation.

Currently, just 13 percent of Americans are ages 65 and older. By 2030, when all members of the Baby Boom generation have reached that age, fully 18% of the nation will be at least that age, according to Pew Research Center population projections. But don’t tell Baby Boomers that they are old. The typical Boomer believes that old age does not begin until age 72, according to a 2009 Pew Research survey. Also, while about half of all adults say they feel younger than their actual age, fully 61 percent of Boomers are feeling more spry than their age would imply. In fact, the typical Boomer feels nine years younger than his or her chronological age

Most folks are probably already doing a lot to ensure they stay in good health and are able to enjoy their golden years: eating right, exercising, getting checkups and screenings as recommended by your physician. But it also makes sense to have some contingency plans for the bumps in the road that might occur.

Adapt your home. Stairs, baths, and kitchens can present hazards for older people. Even if you don’t need to make changes now, do an annual safety review so you can make necessary updates if your needs change.

Prevent falls. Falls are a big deal for older people — they often result in fractures that can lead to disability, further health problems, or even death. Safety precautions are important, but so are exercises that can improve balance and strength.

Consider your housing options. You might consider investigating naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs). These neighborhoods and housing complexes aren’t developed specifically to serve seniors — and, in fact, tend to host a mix of ages — but because they have plenty of coordinated care and support available, they are senior-friendly.

Think ahead about how to get the help you may need. Meal preparation, transportation, home repair, housecleaning, and help with financial tasks such as paying bills might be hired out if you can afford it, or shared among friends and family. Elder services offered in your community might be another option.

Media Research: Bigger Than Ever

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Thursday, February 27

6:30 to 8:00 pm

Most people associate the name Nielsen with TV ratings, but today, it's so much more. Meet the team leader at the forefront of audience measurement in this age of big data. Learn how Nielsen helps marketers stay on top of customers' changing preferences as well as media and purchasing habits, in a world where the consumer is increasingly in control, and find out where the jobs are in the growing field of media research.

Steve Hasker, President, Global Product Leadership, Nielsen

Jack Myers, media ecologist; chairman, MyersBizNet


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If you could save a person’s life, would you slow down? Of course you and most people would.

Convincing your neighbor might be more complicated. Luckily, science is on our side.

Transportation Alternatives just launched a campaign to lower New York City’s speed limit to a safe 20 mph. Why 20 mph? Because science says that 20 mph is the difference between life and death. In people-packed New York, more than 14,500 pedestrians and bicyclists are struck by drivers every year. There is one factor that decides whether or not a person survives that crash: speed.


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Focal Point Gallery located on 321 City Island Avenue on City Island, NY (718) 885-1403
Time for another exhibition. Anyone who is interested in exhibiting you have till March 5th to get your art work in. The exhibition opens Friday March 7th with an opening reception 7pm-10pm

The exhibition will stay up till the end of the entire month of March.

If you are an artist and would like to take part in this exhibition, this is your opportunity.
Work has to be Framed and ready to hang. There's a $20 hanging fee piece and 30% commission.


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Please, consider our blog from various multiple angles and tell us what you do like and do not...

Take our appearance: Does it look decent visually? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy because the world wide web continues to be bare-bones Internet style. But it must communicate a certain level of professionalism and orderliness consistent with the rest of our materials. We can’t have misspellings or glaring typos, for example, whereas we seek appropriate visuals, fonts, and a writing style that communicates professionalism.

Content: blog content does not have to be intense, long, heavily-footnoted scholarly research! It can be short, topical, impressionistic, and footnote-free. However, the content does have to be consistent with your standards and practices. Does it relate to you? Why, or why not?

Are we engage with themes and topics in a substantive way? Many people use blogs to vent and rant. That is a valuable function, and it’s one I endorse. However, rants don’t really serve any of us well. We can absolutely be critical, but please check to see that our tone and approach are thoughtful and constructive. This also includes all those comment threads.


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NASA's Kepler mission has announced the discovery of 715 new planets. These newly-verified worlds orbit 305 stars, revealing multiple-planet systems much like our own solar system.

Nearly 95 percent of these planets are smaller than Neptune, which is almost four times the size of Earth. This discovery marks a significant increase in the number of known small-sized planets more akin to Earth than previously identified exoplanets, which are planets outside our solar system.


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#AP10Things: Kerry warns Russia on Ukraine; Arizona governor vetos religious freedom bill; 715 new planets found:

The Oscars' Diversity Issues In One Infographic

Inside the Ring: All eyes on Moscow's military moves in Ukraine - Washington Times:

27 Clever Ways To Use Everyday Stuff In The Kitchen…

Incredible Time-Lapse Shows Awesome Power Of Extreme Weather


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Now that the Sochi Olympics are behind us, you may feel as though you've had enough of winter, given this year’s record temperatures and snowfall in cities across the country.

This winter weather has destroyed roads across the country. Some cities are running out of salt, and pothole-dodging could be an Olympic sport, while finding places to mound all that snow has been a challenge.

The American Society of Civil Engineers is committed to improving USA public infrastructure.


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That Polar Vortex, which generated freezing temperatures and lots of snow has decided to make a return visit and it is bringing wind chill factors ranging from 0 to minus 40 degrees F.

This Vortex is normal to Arctic regions because of the polar jet stream. But with the polar jet stream in a weakened state, the vortex has decided to mosey on southward, bringing cold temperatures into much of the North and Midwest.