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7/20/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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MASSACRE AT THE MULTIPLEX. 12 Dead 50 Injured During Dark Night Rises.
A 24 year old crazed gunman opens fire at an Aurora, Colorado theater 9 movie complex at the opening night of the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," randomly killing and injuring into the crowd.

SYRIAN TROOPS CONTROL CAPITAL. Taking Back Damascus Neighborhood.
Syrian troops once again regain control of a Damascus neighborhood as more than 300 people were killed as a result of that civil war.

SUSPECTED BULGARIA'S BOMBER. He Attempted To Rent An Automobile.
A man who is believed to have planned and completed a suicide attack on a bus of Israeli vacationers tried to rent a car in the days before the bombing but was turned down because his ID appeared to be a fake.

PREDATORY STUDENT LOANS. Study Warnings About Lending Practices.
The US government finds risky lending caused private student loan debt to balloon in the past decade, leaving many Americans struggling to pay off their loans they now can not afford to pay.

OBAMA AND ROMNEY. On The Campaign Trail Again
President and GOP rival both resume their speeches with the former addressing Florida seniors on health care and Medicare and the latter discussing the economy in New Hampshire.