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8/20/12 News and Information Service 24/7

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MEDICARE ON FRONT BURNER. Republicans Running-mates Romney and Ryan.
The GOP candidates hold a town hall with voters in New Hampshire and warm up to seniors.

Chinese call them the Diaoyu, the Japanese say they're the Senkaku chain. Whatever name you choose, they're the subject of one of the biggest territorial flare-ups in years between these Asian countries.

DEATH OF TONY SCOTT. Had Inoperable Cancer.
Authorities have learned more about the death of the "Top Gun" director - who jumped off a bridge in LA - as a suicide.

NYAD TAKES A STINGING. She Keeps Swimming.
62-year-old Nyad shows endurance as the female athlete continues on her 103-mile attempt to swim from Florida to Cuba.

DILLER DEAD. Laughing Till The End.
Phyllis Diller, tart-tongued comedian with the machine-gun laugh, dies in Los Angeles at 95.