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(English summary: In the popular history of Chinese characters, the Small Seal Script, an ancient calligraphy style, is traditionally considered to have been systematized by Prime Minister Li Si during the reign of the First Emperor of China of the Qin Dynasty. However, a recent study shows that the Small Seal Script actually emerged as a mature writing style in a much earlier time period. Please join Renwen Society on February 12, 2012 from 2 to 4 pm for a lecture by Mr. Hing Cheng, a scholar and collector of ancient Chinese texts carved on jade, who draws from 5000 years of Chinese history to shed new light on the pre-Qin Small Seal Script. His research challenges popular beliefs about this ancient text form.)

歷史上認為秦統一中國,實施「書同文」。由李斯作倉頡篇,取史籀大篆,或頗省改,所謂小篆者也。書史上均將小篆的創立歸於李斯名下,歷史上也很少見先秦小篆實物資料。通過鄭慶雲先生的研究、演講,將逐步揭開先秦小篆的神袐面紗,並現場提供先秦小篆玉冊、玉書圖錄及拓本,將小篆的產生推向更高古年代。 鄭先生圍繞小篆展開對5000年文明史的研究,填補先秦玉石文化的空白,及糾正歷史上對小篆的誤解。歡迎古文字專家、書法研究史、古易經起源、道德經、孔子文化、詩經、佛教傳入中國起源及楚辭學者及莘莘學子參加並共同探討。

鄭慶雲 ,溫州人 ,92年移居紐約定居。經營商業及地產。事業余暇,收藏及研究中國古代文字,殘絹片冊,聚沙成塔。對古代文字演變,逐漸形成不同觀點,見解獨持。並創立「美國亞洲(鄭氏)文化基金會」,以弘揚中華文化。平時在地方報紙及媒體均有發表古代文獻「道德經」、「易經」、「楚辭」等古文獻論文及唐、宋書法鑒定論文,引起當地及台灣、國內眾多學者關注及興趣。

Saturday, February 18 ~ 2 - 4 PM
Free, but advance registration is required.

To register and learn more about this lecture, please visit or call (646) 912-8861. For a TV announcement of this event, please visit

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