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Countdown Continues 100, 99, 98...

Submitted by ub on

This divisive presidential race still has 100 dirty days left, right, or down the middle.
Expect more bitterly bruising personal attacks to show voters who is best suited to fix the US economy

Whatever your political leaning is, you may agree there have been giant clashes over economic visions, but the final outcome may be decided during the upcoming fall debates.

Political observers are saying that less than one dozen states will be deciding who will win the Presidency. The major contested states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Is this DEMOCRACY?

Instead of outlining their platforms, at the center of this nasty, dismissive mud slinging camp pain is the increasing difference in economic visions of both political candidates. Unfortunately, the negative tone and the sickening substance has more narrow than necessarily needed.

City Island Images wants to remind all US citizens please make sure you are already registered to vote. Let's prove to the pundits that every valid vote in every state counts.