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A re-enactment of the life of Abigail Adams and a special Ballet performance commemorate Women's History Month, at St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, in Mt. Vernon, NY, on Saturday afternoon March 10. The Abigail Adams performance, at 1 PM, dramatizes the life of the President John Adams’ wife, who lived near St. Paul’s in the 1790s. At 2:00, the world renowned Ajkun Ballet Theatre presents a special dance sequence evoking the lives of three prominent women from American history associated with St. Paul’s -- Anne Hutchinson, Abigail Adams and Eleanor Roosevelt. Also, weather permitting, tour the historic cemetery and learn about the lives of American women over three centuries.

Parking and admission free.

When: Saturday, March 10, 2012; Abigail Adams re-enactment at 1 PM, ballet at 2 PM; the site is open from noon to 4 PM.

Where: St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, 897 South Columbus Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY, 914-667-4116; Hutchinson River Parkway south to Exit 8, Sandford Blvd., and follow directional signs to the site. Hutchinson River Parkway North, to Exit 9, Wolfe's Lane; right at exit, and right at traffic light, onto Colonial Avenue, which quickly becomes Sandford Blvd. Proceed west on Sandford Blvd (about 3/4 mile, see N.P.S. directional sign and arrow) and make a left onto South Columbus Avenue. Proceed south on Columbus to the site, about 3/4 mile.