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Submitted by ub on

It was a hot and humid night tonight and at the end of the meeting, we had pouring rain , but you would not know it when you entered the non air conditioned City Island Community Center.

There was not an empty seat in the house as NYPD Captain Russell Green of the 45th Precinct addressed City Islanders and took questions from civic minded residents. The Captain said his his officers have been trying to help locals who wish to improve their quality of life by putting a stop to the rising crime rates on City Island.

He and his officers updated members of the City Island community on traffic stops, arrests and i summonses, which have increased on the island.

He said that he hopes to increase traffic enforcement over the summer months. Captain Green pointed out that anyone who calls 911 requesting police response are not required to identify themselves. They just need to give those 911 operators, who are in Brooklyn, the exact location.

Therefore, if you see anyone breaking the law, whether they are speeding, or just being a public nuisance by becoming overly loud in the middle of the night, just call and report this illegal activity.Please keep in mind that law enforcement applies to all, City Island visitors, as well as local residents.