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Colonial Days

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Colonial Day, at National Historic Site in Westchester County, Sat., June 9

Colonial era crafts, music, games and toys, dancing, cooking and military demonstrations are featured in the Colonial Day event, at St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, in Mt. Vernon, NY, on Saturday afternoon June 9, from noon to 4 PM.

The program includes an exploration of “Death Heads and Soul Effigies: Symbolism on Colonial Gravestones,” by art historian John Zelinski, and a talk about the early settlement of the colonial town at St. Paul’s, which was established in 1664. Visitors also tour the Church tower, leading to the 1758 bronze bell, and the colonial section of the St. Paul’s cemetery; enjoy a recital on the historic Erben pipe organ.

Parking and admission free; light refreshments served.
St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, 897 South Columbus Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY, 914-667-4116;

Directions: Hutchinson River Parkway south to Exit 8, Sandford Blvd., and follow directional signs to the site. Hutchinson River Parkway North, to Exit 9, Wolfe's Lane; right at exit, and right at traffic light, onto Colonial Avenue, which quickly becomes Sandford Blvd. Proceed west on Sandford Blvd (about 3/4 mile, see N.P.S. directional sign and arrow) and make a left onto South Columbus Avenue. Proceed south on Columbus to the site, about 3/4 mile.