Bill Ritter Cut

Submitted by ub on

I have never watched a popular TV news anchorman go from looking suave and debonaire to the likes of Dr. Brown, the crackpot character in "Back To The Future."

So what was the first public act on Bill Ritter’s bucket list now that New York City has entered Phase 2 of the lockdown? A Boogie Down Haircut in The Bronx!

What about the final bill?WABC TV 7 Anchorman Bill Ritter finally got a haircut and says it was for a very good cause.

Wake Up America

Submitted by ub on

Allow us to SPELL IT OUT LOUD and CLEAR by just Telling it to you straight: FEDERAL Legislation to restore the #VotingRightsAct has been sitting in the US Senate on McConnell’s desk for months. 

Shock and Awe

Submitted by ub on

Shock and awe was used by Republicans and referred to rapid dominance in a military tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy and destroy their will to fight.

However, The majority of Americans who’ve been peacefully demonstrating are not the enemy and the one now in shock are @POTUS @VP @realDonaldTrump @GOP and anyone who can clearly see that Americans are tired of their tactics.

LOCATION Location location

Submitted by ub on

Please, consider the following scenario... You’ve decided to establish a work from a home-based office and are ready to move on.

A cliché used by property experts is that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are "locationlocationlocation". This tricolon appeared in print as early as 1926.

Fathers Day

Submitted by ub on

Father's Day in the USA is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Its the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their kids' lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident West Virginia in 1907.

My dad never used social media, but he was sociable. I wouldn’t be in the USA without him. He gave up everything for freedom.

Tik Tok Teens Trump Tulsa

Submitted by ub on

Teens torpedo Trump’s tanked election #CamPain, an underwhelming 101-minute yawner ends and Americans don't want to be there.

The 10K or so who of the 800,000 or more tickets issued for the event, according to the Trump campaign, some were bored.

Trump Republican re-election comeback political rally features lists of empty seats, and even a few staff to spread infections. 

My, Their, Our Corona

Submitted by ub on

Why do most Americans agree that this has got be the very lowest point in U.S. history or at least in our living modern memory?

Could it be that because preventing additional outbreaks of the Pandemic, is #POTUSPREADING deliberately #CORONA #COVID19 To #covidiots a deadly global virus which is killing one thousand Americans a day?

More American lives have now been lost to COVID-19 than were lost in World War I. Here's how the coronavirus death toll compares to other deadly events in American history.

Does He or Doesn't He?

Submitted by mo2 on

Does POTUS Care about the health and well being of all the US?

Holding a rally for 20,000 screaming fans proves he does not even care about the well being of his voters let alone the other residents of Oklahoma or the US.

It's pretty obvious he cares about gratifying his own ego more than he cares about the well being of others.

POTUS is desperate to get re-elected. If not he may be spending a lot of time in court or jail.

Watching the Trump Payback on TV will probably eclipse all previous worldwide viewership records.

Beat The Beatles

Submitted by ub on

To celebrate our eighth Anniversary of #CIMAGES and Sir Paul's Birthday, consider these #FabFour trivia questions for #Beatle fans.

1. What was The Beatles’ first single of 1962?

2. Which Beatles song holds the record for the most versions recorded by different artists?

3. Who gave The Beatles their name in April 1960?

4. Which pop artist designed the cover of the White Album?

A Weak POTUS Week

Submitted by ub on

The Republican re-election cam pain for POTUS is crumbling and close to shambles, there is no wall nor a long-promised GOP infrastructure plan, the USA economy is a wreck and his hand-picked judges suddenly appear to be legislating from the bench.