Mercury Transit

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Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet inside our Solar System. Mercury's orbit around the Sun takes only 87.97 days, the shortest of all the planets and is named after the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of the gods.

Could this be a message? Skywatchers all over the globe got the chance to witness a 'rare celestial event' today, as the planet Mercury passes in front of the sun for the first time in 13 years.

This event, known as a 'transit', was visible from nearly everywhere on Earth with the right equipment - depending on cloud cover.

First Foto and Film Festival

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City Island truly is - A Slice of NYC Paradise. Nearly a couple of hundred Mussel Suckers and Clam Diggers came out to weather the cold and gathered at Trinity Church to participate in The First Foto and Film Festival.

Kudos to Hyonok Kim, Ron Terner, James Breen, Tommy Breen, Scott Ruderman and all the locals who made last night's event a local success.

Feedback from the crowds was that they enjoyed the five films made by, for and about City Islanders, Ms. Kim, Mr.Turner, and The Breen Brothers, who are gems to this coastal community.

Happy Holidays

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Please, be kind to everyone by showing empathy and respect towards good folks.

This year, I'm a volunteer teacher at NYPL and trying to make more adults Amable.

With the Holiday season upon us, #DoseofNews #Cimages #NewsHooks is the perfect way to keep up to date and have the latest content at your fingertips during the holiday season.

Words To Live By

Submitted by ub on

Antes de Amabilidad Viene la Humildad.

La humildad convierte a la gente en ángeles, mientras que el orgullo los convierte en demonios.

La humildad te llevará a lugares, el talento no puede.

El poder es peligroso a menos que tengas humildad.

Tenga confianza pero no sea arrogante.

Mantente humilde y muestra amabilidad

Muéstrame un líder humilde y me has mostrado un líder sabio que comprenderá el significado de la amabilidad.

< FYI >

Before Kindness comes Humility.

Fifty Years Young

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It may be hard to believe but this weekend's special celebration on cable TV is to mark half a century since "Sesame Street" aired its first episode on PBS and broadcast back on November 10, 1969.

The American Dream?

Submitted by ub on

On is the eve of Veterans Day and following the anniversary of #CDay when the first Communist regime was established in Russia, and since all subsequent regimes were inspired and modeled by their institutions and policies, we offer this.

It's Our Country

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Whenever someone hears the phrase "Go back to your country" coming out of some moron's mouth, he or she must respond "This is our country.

Regardless of our political leanings, this past election bring front and center our need to better understand each other's beliefs. More importantly, is a concern for public safety and a need to protect those who defend themselves.

Republicans Slipping

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The Republican Party also referred to as the Grand Old Party, is one of the two major political parties in the United States of America. The other is its historic rival, the Democratic Party. The RNC used to say they made a commitment to attract new voters and revitalize the image of the Republican Party. So what happened? The TRUMP Dump.

Whistleblower Identified

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A whistleblower is a person who exposes secretive information or illegal activity, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization.

“I urge all of our government leaders - notably all Members of Congress - to step back and reflect on the important role whistleblowers play in our constitutional republic's ability to oversee itself.” Whistleblower's attorney urges against naming his client.

Out In The Cold

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The Paris Agreement was signed in 2016 within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

POTUS has begun to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. This is the first formal step in a one-year process to exit the global pact to fight climate change. However, defying Trump, American governors who represent over half the U.S. population pledge to uphold the Paris climate agreement.