Weather Warnings

Submitted by ub on

Last month was the hottest on record for the entire planet earth.
Polar sea ice melted to record lows as much of earth sweltered in unprecedented heat in July,
while temperatures soared to new heights in the hottest month ever recorded.

Severe thunderstorms and heavy to excessive rainfall possible today
across parts of the Northeast, with the heavy rain threat extending
westward into the Central Plains through Friday.

Showers and thunderstorms are also likely across parts of the
Northwest, Southern Rockies, and Central Gulf Coast.

Bully Pulpit Blues

Submitted by ub on

Who definitely fears #Russia #NothKorea #NRA but attacks #FederalReserve #Elections #DanishPrimeMinister #Polls and many other important factors? Therefore, the best he can come up with is to simply change the narrative abusing the bully pulpit.

First, he says one thing and the next day he contradicts himself. Why does a bully who the media gave the pulpit to, go after the press, blue states, and many others? Why can't he focus on huge problems and solve them? Is he not capable?

Palmieri and Camilo Together

Submitted by ub on

Amazing piano masters Eddie Palmieri and Michel Camilo will perform live and in person at Lehman Center for the Arts. These two Latino powerhouse pianists are expected to keep their music 🎶 fans satisfied for hours. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST @ 8 PM

Eduardo Palmieri is a Grammy Award-winning pianist, bandleader, musician, and composer of Puerto Rican ancestry. He is the founder of the bands La Perfecta, La Perfecta II, and Harlem River Drive

Clason Point The Bronx

Submitted by ub on

N.Y.C. Is on Pace to Draw a Record 67 Million Tourists This Year. There are so many places to see in The City.

I moved to The Bronx to launch what was at that time the lates, the greatest, the newest and most technically advanced 24-hour cable news channel of the entire franchise. #News12

Everybody and Everyone Knows

Submitted by ub on

How can any problems be fixed, improved or changed if a person on the top does not read or listen because he thinks he's smarter than anyone else? #VoxPop Who calls himself a very stable genius? How many real geniuses call themselves that? Think Einstein, Gates, Hawking, genius... none of these guys ever felt compelled to tell others that. They did not say they were.

The Buck Does Not Stop Here

Submitted by ub on

Popularized by POTUS Harry Truman, it was adopted by just about every president since then. The slogan is based on the metaphorical expression passing the buck, derived from poker gameplay, that came to mean "passing the blame", or absolving oneself of responsibility or concern by denying authority or jurisdiction over a given matter.

Americans Must Vote

Submitted by ub on

We’re not telling you to vote for any specific candidate, but we are asking you to vote. In order to cast a ballot, we must be legally registered. We have a Constitutional responsibility and we must exercise it before we lose it.

Regardless of what anyone says to scare us to vote one way or another, it is our individual right as an American citizen. The Voting Rights Act ensures that state and local governments do not pass laws or policies that deny American citizens the equal right to vote based on race.

From Woodstock to IPhones

Submitted by ub on

50 years after Woodstock Americans living in #USA have evolved from the We and Us to the I and Me generation. Is this an egotistic trip of whiners? From weed stoned to clinging on the iPhone.

Whatever happened to flower power? Fifty years after 400K young people gathered together at Max Yasgur's farm in Bethel, New York, for the now-infamous Woodstock Music and Arts Festival, have Americans lost their way as the leaders of the free world?