2013 World Science Festival

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Festival's free events: Innovation Square and Meet the Authors on Saturday and the Ultimate Science Street Fair on Sunday.

Innovation Square
Saturday, June 1, 12 – 8 PM
MetroTech Plaza, Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Join the World Science Festival as we transform a picturesque quad in downtown Brooklyn into a staging ground for future-shaping innovations. It’s an unforgettable day of amazing robots, interactive video games, 3-D printed wares, and hi-tech installations—a showcase of the “best of the best” in the fields of science and technology. #WSFInnovate
Meet the Authors: Conversations with Best-Selling Science Writers
Saturday, June 1, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
NYU Kimmel Center, Commuter Lounge
Spend a thought-provoking afternoon meeting with celebrated science writers, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, and best-selling authors. This unique collection of discussions, readings, and book signings connects you with expert science communicators. The topics will move from curiosity-quenching medical advice, to the cutting-edge food science equations hooking us on junk food addictions, to the remarkable story of a ground-breaking cancer drug. Bring your questions and your books!
The Ultimate Science Street Fair
Sunday, June 2, 10 AM – 6 PM
Washington Square Park
Roll up your sleeves and dig into science through all-new interactive exhibits, games, and performances at The Ultimate Science Street Fair. Aspiring scientists of all ages explore “Science Centers” of biology, climate change, energy, math, technology, chemistry, and more. #WSFStreetFair
