Many media outlets recognized the 11th anniversary of 9/11 on their front pages today. But some did not. The decision raises a question: How will we all know when it’s time to stop featuring 9/11 anniversary stories on the front page?
The emotional scars, the pain, the outrage, the sense of loss may never fade. The amount of news coverage, however, must, just like it has for Pearl Harbor and other attacks. We also need to be moving forward. Often, other than many local events surrounding an anniversary, there isn’t always much to say that is original.
Some say all media organizations should have at least acknowledged this anniversary. Others believe it’s time to move past this annual tragedy.
It would be interesting to look historically on when we stopped for Pearl Harbor.
Perhaps it will slowly diminish in coverage but it will never go away (same as Pearl Harbor).
What are your individual thoughts on this matter? What do you personally think?