11 YEARS AFTER 9/11. May today bring peace, comfort to all impacted by the tragedy.
Hijacked airliners changed our lives forever. Many remember thousands who died during the September 11 attacks as well as those who tried to help others following this national tragedy.
OBAMA RE-ENERGIZED. Gains Campaign Momentum.
Presidential campaign raises $114m to Romney’s $111.6m but Republican retains upper hand financially as he is supported by better-funded super-Political Action Committees.
STALLING ECONOMY IN ASIA. China chills Japan and S Korea
Weak Chinese growth figures have confirmed that the world’s second-largest economy is itself suffering from muted demands from the US and also from Europe.
IRANIAN POLICIES. Developing An Economy Of Resistance.
Tehran is pushing hard for their country to become self-reliant. Imports would be replaced by local produce and barter deals could be made.
CHICAGO TEACHERS. Continued To Strike
President Barack Obama now faces another political test after the second day where public school teachers in his home town go on strike for the first time in a quarter century.