A Hole President

Submitted by ub on

Who was a one-term Lame-duck full-time golfer and should have could have, would have been a president for all the people of USA?

There is nothing grand about a Republican party that boasts 44 Republican Senators who reject the truth, the Constitution, and a couple of hundred years of Democratic Self Governance.

The president of the whole Mar-a-Lago Club digs a deeper hole that may be difficult to escape even for a BS artist and demagogue.

A CNN legal analyst warns former President Donald Trump that he's cruising for a bruising in his trail ahead even if the Republicans in The US Senate ultimately acquits him on the charge of inciting an insurrection.

"I think there's going to be more footage that America has not seen," he said. "I think they're going to break down the case, and Trump is going to be put front and center. He is culpable, he is responsible. We've just heard the protesters, insurrectionists saying, 'Fight for Trump.' I think the hole that Donald Trump is in is going to deepen."

"The United States Senate is on trial," Norm Eisen said. "How can they take the oath and promise to be, as Senator Cassidy said, impartial jurors?... There is no defense for Donald Trump there, there's no defense on the facts. Incitement of insurrection is a high crime, he did it."
