A few dozen City Islanders turned out to PS 175 this evening to express their overwhelming opposition to the current City Island Bridge proposal.
The City Island Bridge is over 100 years old and many want it to be repaired and not replaced by a 100 million dollar bridge. Some called it a monstrosity and others accused NYC of lying and misrepresenting this extremely important project. The bridge is the only way in and out for thousands of City Islanders.
Although many oppose the bridge design and the process in which it has developed for over ten years, Community Board 10 Housing & Zoning Committee tonight voted to reject, with 2 sustaining and no objections.
The group rejected the ULURP application filed on behalf of the bridge construction project.
A NY senator, who has made an eleventh hour bid to halt the project was the only elected official to attend the meeting.
They decide to send a letter to the city to determine the safety of the existing bridge.