Event: Charlotte SPJ – Landing The Big Interview And Making It Work, With Tommy Tomlinson
When: August 12, 2014
Where: AZN, 4620 Piedmont Row Drive, Charlotte, NC
Some people you want to talk with aren't always willing at first blush to meet with you. Tomlinson, who has tactfully and skillfully succeeded in getting access to initially reluctant subjects for years, will discuss his techniques for gaining access as well as his advice for interviewing. It promises to be a great evening, informative and entertaining. The event begins at 6:30pm at AZN, a restaurant in the Piedmont Town Center, near Southpark Mall. The restaurant's address is 4620 Piedmont Row Drive, which is off Fairview Road. The society will also be giving away a Charlotte Film Society membership, Raptor Center tickets, and Planet Improv tickets.
Event: APME 13th Annual Robert G. McGruder Awards for Diversity Leadership – Accepting Nominations
When: September 15-17, 2014 (August 15 deadline)
Where: Chicago, IL
APME is accepting nominations for the 13 Annual Robert G. McGruder Awards for Diversity Leadership. Two awards are given annually: one for newspapers with a circulation up to 75,000; one for newspapers with more than 75,000 circulation. The awards go to individuals, news organizations or related journalistic organizations or teams of journalists who embody the spirit of Robert G. McGruder, a former executive editor of the Detroit Free Press, former managing editor of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, graduate of Kent State University and relentless diversity champion. McGruder died of cancer in April 2002.
This year, the awards are being sponsored by the Associated Press Media Editors, American Society of News Editors, The Plain Dealer in Cleveland and the Newseum Institute. Jurors will be looking for nominees who have made a significant contribution during a given year or over a number of years toward furthering diversity in news content and in recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce. Announcement of the winners will be made at the joint APME/ASNE convention September 15-17 in Chicago. The recognized honorees each receive $2,500 and a leadership trophy. Material must be received by close of business Friday, August 15th. Send material to:
Sally Jacobsen, SJacobsen@ap.org
450 West 33rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10001
Event: Society for Features Journalism Conference
When: August 20-23, 2014
Where: John Seigenthaler Center, Nashville, TN
Come to Music City and join features and lifestyle reporters, editors and producers in SFJ's annual conference. We're offering instruction on video, narrative storytelling, leadership and opportunities for freelance writers in newsrooms. Registration is $300 for members, $500 for nonmembers. www.featuresjournalism.org/conference/features-journalism-conference-20…
Event: NewsTrain Workshop on Data Journalism, Video Storytelling, Viral Content + more
When: August 22-23, 2014
Where: University of Texas School of Journalism, Austin, TX
Learn more about video storytelling, data journalism, viral content and change management at APME's NewsTrain workshop at the University of Texas School of Journalism on Aug. 22-23. Registration -- just $75 for two full days of training plus meals -- is at http://bit.ly/AustinNewsTrain. You can also get information there on a discounted hotel rate and diversity scholarships for the workshop, which is sponsored by Associated Press Media Editors.
Event: Society of Environmental Journalists – 24th Annual Conference
When: September 3-7, 2014
Where: New Orleans, LA
The Society of Environmental Journalists is holding its annual environmental journalism conference in New Orleans from September 3-7, 2014. Many of the world's top environmental journalists and other environment professionals will convene for rich panel sessions, workshops and tours in the field in one of the nation's best examples of urban disaster and recovery. The conference theme is Risk and Resilience and will address many pressing relevant topics, including climate change, drilling for oil and gas, coastal restoration and fisheries, as well as the dangers involved in reporting disasters. As usual, there will be network lunches and beat dinners, and many opportunities for learning about the journalism craft and FOIA issues. Businesses, journalism schools and nonprofits are encouraged to take advantage of price-friendly exhibit and advertising options available up to one week before the conference. Register on the website: http://www.sej.org/initiatives/sej-annual-conferences/AC2014-agenda
Event: The Newswomen's Club Front Page Awards 2014
When: Entries due no later than September 5, 2014
Where: New York, NY
The Newswomen's Club of New York is now accepting entries for The Front Page Awards 2014. The Front Page Awards, established in 1937-1938, are among the most prestigious in journalism and one of the few awards in the world that expressly recognize journalistic excellence by newswomen, including reporters, photographers, and columnists. Entries must have been published or broadcast between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014. Rules, competition categories, and entry form can be found online at http://www.newswomensclubnewyork.com/front-page-awards-application-2014/.
We are looking forward to seeing your entries this year. Please contact newswomensclub@verizon.net with any questions about entering the awards and to reserve tickets and tables for our gala awards dinner on November 13.
Event: ASNE-APME-APPM 2014 Conference: Fast Forward
When: September 15-17, 2014
Where: Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL
Registration is open for the ASNE-APME-APPM joint conference Sept. 15-17 at the Hyatt Regency in the heart of downtown Chicago! This will be the first joint conference of the nation's top editors. Register now: The registration fee will be $250 for members of ASNE and APME and $350 for nonmembers. There are special rates for retired editors, spouses, students and APME's Regents. Click here to register. The conference will begin at 1:00pm CDT Monday, Sept. 15, and conclude about 3:00pm Wednesday, Sept. 17.
Some of the programs on tap include:
-Jim Bankhoff, CEO of Vox Media, discusses the ecology of news startups.
-Amy Webb and Tom Rosenstiel will highlight the latest trends involving news audiences and emerging technology, and discuss the implications of these trends for journalists.
-How to succeed at mobile news before it's too late, featuring David Ho of the Wall Street Journal, Jodi Gersch of Gannett and Ian Fisher of the New York Times.
Other sessions focus on engaging diverse communities, managing news partnerships, creating a culture of innovation and talking leadership with Poynter's Jill Geisler and Butch Ward. Book your hotel room: A block of rooms are reserved at the Hyatt Regency until Aug. 29 for only $189/night. Make a reservation online, or call the hotel directly at 312-565-1234 and mention the block of rooms reserved for ASNE and APME. For more details, go to www.asne.org or www.apme.com. Questions? Contact Cindy Roe at croe@asne.org or Sally Jacobsen at sjacobsen@ap.org