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City Island's favorite photographer arrived as a Mussel Sucker back in 1974 and like many others, fell in love with this tiny island seaport, where New England meets up with NYC. It was then when he decided to live and set up his now 40 year old fabulous Focal Point Gallery.

During one of his island excursions, Terner discovered the abandoned Nevins Boat Yard, a favorite fishing and swimming location for Clam diggers and Mussel Suckers. Terner and his dog Pandora enjoyed playing a game of retrieving sticks from the bay, while he also photographed the children playing along the boat yard's shoreline and began taking photographs of some of our local celebrities.

Terner says "Nevins grounds also turned out to be a rich resource of materials left from it's past famous and thriving days. My back wall in the gallery is made of planks from the docks that used to be out there".

Fast forward forty years and the space is now a park, adjacent to P.S.175 - NYC Public School serving locals (Clam Diggers and Mussel Suckers) alike. The Little league field is also there, and behind it is still a remnant of what it use to be.

Ron says his son Rajeev, who is now 35, his little sister Ruby 10 and new dog Monita (Spanish for cute little monkey) still enjoy sneaking behind the ball field fence to get down to where Nevins Boat Yard once was. He adds that this is still their play ground and place of peace. Terner calls it his "Fortress of Solitude."

This Friday, City Island's favorite artist celebrates 40 of his finest photographic years in his life at Focal Point Gallery and his friends are all invited. FP 321 City Island Avenue, The Bronx, NY 10464 (718) 885-1403.

Meanwhile, as a labor of love and a living memorial, Terner decided to pay tribute in his own special way to his friends, who are now gone, but will never to be forgotten. Take a stroll along the shore of the old Nevins Boat Yard and you will find his City Island images, which he has lovingly placed on rocks of those who have passed away. These images are clearly visible on the scattered near the water of what once was a thriving boatyard. Terner says it is his way of "reflecting on a community that has embraced me, I thought I would pay tribute to the people I have photographed and have died since".

May these moving City Island Images remind us all of our precious, personal pearls of City Island. Thanks, maestro Ron Terner. The song SAILING is not really about sailing, but about the artists' transition, according to the author, Christopher Cross:

If you, or anyone else wishes to see all of these fabulous City Island Images, you can visit Ron Terner's Facebook page, or take a personal stroll along Ron Terner's personal version of memory lane.

Photos and images: Ron Terner