Help Fix IT

Submitted by ub on

They say if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but what if it's broken? Humans have the urge to improve from the Prehistoric hand-axes days of chipping small flakes off pebbles of flint with other hard objects. Million-year-old examples of these have been found that give the impression of being ruined by being chipped just one time too many. That pang of regret we have probably all felt after spoiling something by adding that unnecessary final touch was first faced by Ugg in his cave.

'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' has become a part of the language as to have become a cliché...

To begin repairing Earth all diverse people, including religious, spiritual and cultural backgrounds; and colors, including non-conforming and abled people, to apply themselves and make sacrifices.

We need good folks committed to the greater good mission, positive purpose, honest values, dedicated and collaborative, team-oriented, who can build consensus, motivate others, affect change, and who will impart credibility, trust, enthusiasm, integrity, and high ethical standards.

Analytical and strategic yet tactical, with an understanding of implications and strategies; be able to creatively adapt and implement systems and procedures that fit current and long-term needs;
Outgoing and straightforward, with the skill to share information, listen, and learn as well as give advice; able to collaborate in arts and science education-oriented environment.

Confidence and the innate intelligence to work with and support the activities with strong communications skills combined with political acumen; interest and passion for arts and science, urban and rural redevelopment of the interrelationship between people. Music for Relaxation