Higher Ed for Higher Standards

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Some 200 colleges and universities representing 33 States have announced the formation of Higher Ed for Higher Standards, a new coalition that will serve as a vehicle for mobilizing the sector in support of the Common Core Standards.

Members would work with their K-12 partners and state policy makers to ensure full implementation of the Common Core Standards in order to reduce remediation and improve student success throughout the education pipeline, from cradle to career.

Nationwide, approximately 50 percent of students entering two-year colleges and 20 percent of students entering four-year institutions are diverted into remedial coursework due to lack of academic preparedness. Of those, less than one in 10 graduate from community college within three years and little more than a third complete bachelor’s degrees in six years.

Looking ahead, Higher Ed for Higher Standards members across the states have committed to helping raise public awareness about the importance of the standards and making their voices heard with state policymakers, urging them to stay the course on career- and college-ready expectations.

Higher Ed for Higher Standards is a project of the Collaborative for Student Success, a grant-making initiative created with the pooled resources of a diverse group of regional and national education foundations committed to improving public education.

