Submitted by ub on

Do you see what I see heading into a primary voting day? Kentucky's Senate race has attracted international attention and impressive sums of money. Candidates already have spent millions.

Yet the contest is likely to be settled by a small share of the electorate in a midterm year marked by antipathy toward the president and both parties in Congress.

In Kentucky, it's the battle for his political life on the part of US Senator Mitch McConnell. His theme "There's nothing the president and his allies would like better than to defeat the guy you are looking at," he said, casting Grimes as a stand-in for Obama.

But before that and if the polling numbers are accurate, it will be a clean win for Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, when voters mark their ballots in their Kentucky primary. The question is how close Matt Bevin will get. Bevin is his tea party challenger, and later, how that figures into the general election race in November, when US Senator McConnell faces possible Democratic opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes because those two are running neck and neck, like a Kentucky Derby Horse Race.