Know Your Worth

Submitted by ub on

The story goes something like this... Before dying and elderly person told their child: This is your grandfather's watch and is a couple of hundred years old. But before I give it to you, please go to the watch shop and see how much they will offer you.

The child went, and then came back, and said the watchmaker offered 6 dollars because it's old.

The old person said: go to the coffee shop.

He went and then came back, and said: they offered 3 dollars.

The old man said: Go to the museum and show that watch.

He went then came back, and said to his father “They offered me a million dollars.”

The father said: “I wanted to let you know that the right place values you in the right way.

Don't find yourself in the wrong place and get angry if you are not valued.

Those that know your value are those who appreciate you, don't stay in a place where nobody sees your value.

Never doubt, and always believe in yourself by knowing your worth and that there are those who clearly appreciate these values.

Reinvent Yourself
When people think of self-esteem, appearance is the first thing that comes to mind. Although many people's self-esteem does depend on their looks, it shouldn't. Of course, if you're not happy with yourself, you should do something to change it.

But, before you enroll in that 12-week intensive gym program and spend your savings on supplements you can’t pronounce, look at what really needs to change. Self-esteem should not be solely associated with a person's appearance.

How do you feel about your intelligence? How do you feel about your actions and morals? Confidence is the root of a person’s entirety and it comes from within.

Create Goals
Working toward something that you value is a great way to build confidence. The best part about this is that it can be anything. It can be a hobby about which you are passionate or something you never dreamed of doing.

Whether it is being able to do a pushup, learning how to play an instrument or saving up your money to buy something special, you are accomplishing something.

You should be proud of completing goals and acknowledge the steps you’re taking toward the goal.

It helps if you plan out these little steps, almost like a checklist. This technique works because it allows you to physically measure your progress along the way. Most importantly, the goals should be solely about you.

Keeping busy and focusing your energy will help you to ward off negative thoughts and bring in the positive ones.

Be Surrounded By Good People
The people who surround you might be influencing your negative thoughts and low self-esteem. Analyze your close circle of friends and family and ask yourself if these people are good for you.

Friends who compliment and motivate each other have much healthier relationships than those who insult each other, even if it is only a joke.

Joining groups also helps to create comfortable and friendly environments. People who gather together for one common interest can create an empowering atmosphere.

Always Love Yourself
This is much easier said than done. However, do not underestimate the power of the thought. Everything we do starts with one thought, so the next time you look in the mirror, really look at yourself. Say one compliment out loud, before finding a flaw.

Make a list of things you like about yourself and keep the list growing until you reach 100 reasons why you love yourself and then every once and awhile, read it aloud to remind yourself. Keep a journal to write down short motivational quotes you come across.

Body Language
Fake it ‘til you make it. Many times, people can sense when someone is insecure. They see it from the way you walk, sit or interact with others in a big room. You slump. Your head hangs down. Your arms lay tightly crossed, fists clenched. Eyes wander. Voice low.

To build confidence with others or in social situations, it is important to look approachable and open. Make sure you stand and sit tall. To correct your posture, pull the crown of your head up higher. Breathe in, roll your shoulders straight up and pull them down your back while breathing out.

Always keep a wide and open body by uncrossing your arms and always face your entire body to whomever you're interacting with. Being approachable and comfortable in social situations is a sign that you are comfortable and confident with who you are. People will take notice.

Confidence does not come from a number on the scale, attention from the opposite sex or Instagram likes. All of those things can only create a temporary feeling. Ultimately, you are left with your thoughts, so learn to make them positive.

I'm an island boy who grew up to be an old island man. As I value my grandfather’s watch, I also know my worth and truly appreciate those around me who respect themselves and the things we deem priceless.