Embrace All Humanity

Submitted by ub on

End racism by respecting others as an act of giving particular attention or CONSIDERATION with high special regard or ESTEEM and learn to tolerate one another by allowing it to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction.

Through our actions: We can show respect in many ways, not only through conversation. When we travel or go into other people’s spaces, we can choose clothing and behaviors that respect that culture. We can read books by people who look differently and believe differently than we do, in order to understand their perspective and experiences. We can try different foods and recipes to learn about new cultures. All of these things help us to grow in understanding and respect for others.

By letting go of a bit of ourselves and taking on a bit of others, we can see firsthand what incredible tool respect can be.

By listening: A man named Tarik Mounib recruited a diverse group of individuals and offered them a free trip to Egypt. His hope was that building relationships and connecting with people who live in such a different world everyone involved would learn there is more than holds us together than separates us.

As they listened to each other’s stories and life experiences, participants knocked down walls between themselves and connected deeply with one another.

By learning: Our world is huge and diverse, but it can still be easy to stay within our own safe circles. Step outside your comfort zone and learn from those who are different than you. Choose authors of a different race, culture, or religion. Visit a mosque or a temple. Attend a cultural festival. Be curious and ask questions.

We learn about someone else’s beliefs without taking them as our own. We can engage in a conversation for the purpose of knowing someone’s heart, not changing it. We can hold our own faith and theirs in the same space and there is room enough for both.

By stepping outside your comfort zone: It’s easy to see differences when we’re in a new place. But the more time we spend in a new space, the more “different” things start to feel normal. The same is true with people. That neighbor across the street might seem so different, but the more time you spend together, the more you realize you’re really not that different after all. Sometimes we’re uncomfortable around people who are different from us because, deep down, we realize we’re really not different at all.

Look To Respect Others In Our Circle of Influence

Whether it’s the woman behind the checkout counter in the grocery store, a business colleague, or someone you met on the golf course, you can make a difference by showing respect to people, because they’re worth it. Every single individual you meet is worthy of love and respect.

How can you step out of your comfort zone this week, and show others love by respecting them, either in conversation or inaction?

Be willing to hear opposing opinions and learn about the worldview of people you don’t agree with. Every human being is valuable, regardless of their opinions or worldview. Learn to view everyone you encounter through the lens of love, and then look for ways the two of you can connect on a deeper level. With the rise of social media, listening has almost become a lost art. It’s easy to read a post on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, type a response in ALL CAPS and then run away from the discussion. Have you ever had a discussion with someone where all they do is talk or yell over you? Instead of questioning the validity of the other person’s opinions or beliefs, ask questions and be curious.
