We've flown 7,364 miles, ytaveling from Shanghai, China to New York City, USA between 6 and 11P on the same day, this is the principal reason why human beings suffer from jet-lag and then sleep deprivation quickly kicks in.
It is called desynchronosis, or flight fatigue, and its a temporary disorder that causes insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of air travel across time zones. It is considered a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a big time disruption of the internal body clock.
Jet lag may also trigger a number of physical and emotional symptoms including anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, confusion, dehydration, headache, irritability, nausea, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, and even memory loss.
Some individuals report additional symptoms, such as heartbeat irregularities and increased susceptibility to illness. Got to get to sleep before any of these come calling.
Adios, bye, so long, hasta la vista. 再见 zai jian!!!
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