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Following two thousand years of spreading news, information, wisdom and knowledge around the world through newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, books and other textual materials, these methods have succumbed it's long hard fight disappointing loyal readers who had benefited from the dissemination of ideas made possible by print.

This influential means of communication began in China during the third century and it gained a reputation as an innovative means of both recording ideas and transmitting them throughout the world.

Thanks to the overwhelming popularity of the cheap, mass-produced texts made possible by print, the groundbreaking medium ultimately came to be regarded as perhaps the most influential means of communication in the world.

Most recently readers report the medium was slowing down its output, with both the quantity and quality of its work suffering as it struggled to keep up in a fast-paced landscape increasingly dominated by younger, more nimble platforms such as the internet, email, and social media.

U.S. newspaper circulation continues to decline hitting its lowest level in seven decades, as newspapers across the country lose their paying readers.

Online is king and Google stands alone at the top of the list, with an estimated $37.9 billion in revenues, more than $10 billion ahead of its nearest competitor, The DirectTV Group.

Google’s commanding position within the online advertising market of which search is the primary revenue driver give it its edge over the traditional media and entertainment companies on this list. The other online advertising companies to make it are Yahoo! (#15), Microsoft (#26), and Facebook (#27).

Figures indicate that 22 of the top 30 and 6 of the top 10 media companies are traditional media and entertainment groups that create and distribute content, proving the enduring worth of content producers. In combination, these companies have totaled 61% of the top 30′s revenues.

Facebook and Microsoft were among 5 new entrants to the list, benefiting from the rise in online advertising. The other 3 entrants are Globo, ProSiebenSat.1 and Sanoma. The first of those, Globo, is a Brazilian company – reflecting the rise of that country’s ad market, which is projected to overtake the UK to become the 5th largest in the world by 2015.

8 of the top 10 media companies are based in the US, while the remaining 2 are from Europe.

And finally China, where it started and now the world’s third largest advertising market has not yet produced any companies in the top 30, that ought to eventually change as Baidu is likely to get it onto this list.…