Choose Ride for Vision Zero. This is your direct link to fund-raise leading up to your ride on the NYC Century Bike Tour. You'll get to register for half price, then it's up to you to fund-raise support for the fight for Vision Zero.
Use T.A.'s online fundraising platform and earn rewards for making New York City streets safer. Minimum of $200.
Choose Register. This is where you can learn about all your registration options, whether you want to renew your T.A. membership, fund-raise or just ride the NYC Century Bike Tour. From there, you can earn prizes by fund-raising for Vision Zero with no minimum and no commitment, raise as much (or as little) support as you like.
Whichever you choose, get ready to ride New York City's favorite bike ride, an epic tour of the streets, bike lanes, parks and green-ways that make our city great. The NYC Century Bike Tour is a ride of passage for any bicyclist in New York City.
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