NYC Parks Department recreation staff created “Everything Day” after hearing that members of the Sorrentino Center’s Afterschool program, most of whom were affected by Hurricane Sandy, weren’t able to go trick-or-treating for Halloween, in many cases spent Thanksgiving away from home, and in some won’t have their normal Christmas or Hanukkah celebration. During this event, these children will have the opportunity to celebrate all these missed holidays, at once.
Each room of the center will be festively decorated for a different holiday. In one room, kids will visit a haunted house and eat treats made by members of our kids culinary program at Jamaica’s Vic Hanson Field House. In another, they’ll have a Thanksgiving luncheon, with food donated by the Red Cross. And in a third, they will receive a present, donated by the Turn 2 Foundation and make an ornament to decorate the center’s “giving tree.”
TODAY From 12:00 Noon – 4:00 p.m. FAR ROCKAWAY, NY