USA has a great opportunity to beat Belgium @ 4P Today and turn our nation into soccer fanatics all the way. Expect a physical, defensive and anxiety-ridden game. Not the happy soccer that fans have enjoyed during these World Cup Games.
Finally, the football sports bug has bitten the American public after years of trying to coax fans to join into this the global game. Better late than never, that love light has turned on.
Work is stopping whenever USA plays, just like it has been happening elsewhere when the World Cup is on. And in our bars, restaurants and on web sites like this one, the chatter is about FIFA World Cup.
I got a taste of soccer early on as a young journalist, when I had the opportunity and pleasure of interviewing Superstar PELE. This popularity of Team USA with nearly 20 million viewers for the last game is like Charlie Brown finally kicking the football. It’s about time that so many are appreciating the beauty of this international game. And the 2014 World Cup has been fantastic to date.
It only took decades, but finally the whole world is watching and the globe is in soccer sync. via @YouTube
Photo: Reuters