Soon it'll be here once again. That special day that quickly arrives and then goes away.... But in fact, as far as mom is concerned, every day is Mothers Day.
We celebrate buying them or making gifts, taking them out them to brunch, lunch, or cook them dinner at home. make certain jokes or surprises, hope calls which are far to ensure the happiness of our mothers complete.
We honor all those who have become our mothers and lets not forget a grandmother is a Mother X2.
Every sexually-reproducing creature has a maximum of two genetic grand-moms, four genetic great-grandmothers, eight genetic great-great-grandmas, etc.
The bond that all babies develop with their moms can never be severed. They grow as an organism inside her for nine months. She carries and sustains her baby, sharing her sustenance with her umbilical cord. When the baby is born the cord is severed. However, it is never severed inside her heart. That bond will last forever.
As we grow up we become our own people and may come to forget that woman who nurtured and loved us. But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you. And that goes for Great grandma, as well as great-great grandma... etc.
City Island Images cordially salutes global mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers!