What's Putin Up To?

Submitted by ub on

Is Putin pushing POTUS around by manipulating Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the 12th President of Turkey since 2014 and NATO member? Trump gave Putin a gift by allowing him to fill the vacuum the #USA left in Syria.

Turkey said it would continue the offensive they postponed for 120 hours against Kurdish Syrian fighters in northeast Syria following USA request but after meeting with Russia Erdoğan is working with Putin.

Does this mean America has just lost another ally, thereby breaking a NATO link, jut the way Putin planned it? Who is Is POTUS really working for?

Is the real fake impresario president the only one blind enough to see a huge disaster in the making, or was he forced by Putin?

So Trump gave up joint U.S.-Turkey patrols so we could see joint Russia-Turkey patrols on the border of NATO ally? Why did POTUS give up Syria joint border patrols by #USA-Turkey for Russia-Turkey patrols, which is a NATO ally?

Why has POTUS weakened NATO thereby The European Union?

Why has he given Putin cover on Crimea?

Why does he use Kremlin talking points?

Some experts are claiming that Turkey, which is a NATO member, is supporting, and giving refuge to ISIS by attacking the Kurds.

Erdogan Says ‘Historic’ Deal With Russia to End Kurdish Threat https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-22/turkish-official-say…

Erdogan hails 'historic agreement' with Putin over Syria https://news.yahoo.com/erdogan-hails-historic-agreement-putin-over-syri…

Erdogan: YPG Will Not Stay in Syria Border Region in 'Regime Clothes' https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2019-10-23/erdogan-ypg-will-…