Submitted by ub on

Surveillance cameras have been in the works on City Island for years. Local officials, including NY Senator Jeff Klein and City Island officials have not kept their word, or failed short of their promises. The Island Current even went as far as publishing wrong information. Why?

We went out to find out, but got nowhere. We did ;learn that some City Island businesses would be happy if there were local surveillance cameras to help catch local crooks. Unfortunately, a NY State grant supposedly arranged by Senator Jeff Klein for $100,000 to put up cameras on the island is still in the works, several years after he and local leaders called a news conference to announce the funding had been approved. Talk is cheap and its time to put their money where their mouth was because this camera project has reportedly been in the works since last decade.

Installation of the security system has been held up because of red tape in Albany, and other requirements, including the local chamber of commerce setting up a separate bank account for the camera system. How long does it take to turn on a camera?

Usually reliable sources tell City Island Images these promised cameras will be up soon and they will help prevent crimes. However, do not hold your breath because we have all been here before.

Meanwhile. the only camera which has been up and running at a cost of $0.00 to taxpayers is this one. http://cimages.me This camera is funded by City Island Images.