Today is National Honesty Day. The holiday traces its origins way back to the 1990s. It is about telling the truth. Be brave and share opinions, thoughts and perspectives that might otherwise go unsaid in order to be polite, but take care not to upset or offend others.
To clear the air on National Honesty Day. Roberto Soto hired, trained staff members and launched the 24 hour Cablevision station, known as News 12 The Bronx. He also served as APTN first NYC Bureau Chief. Helped launch Univision, Telemundo and now operates City Island Images, as well as Dose of News
Please help Soto become BX Volunteer of the Year.
If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? –Abraham Lincoln
Honesty is the best policy. –Benjamin Franklin
I have not observed men’s honesty to increase with their riches. –Thomas Jefferson
The insincerity of man--all men are liars, partial or hiders of facts, half tellers of truths, shirks, moral sneaks. When a merely honest man appears he is a comet--his fame is eternal--needs no genius, no talent--mere honesty--Luther, Christ, etc. - Mark Twain's Notebook