No one enjoys having to go to work during the holidays. Luckily for many politicians, including the U.S. House of Representatives, they don't have that much work before the new year begins. Not that they have done so much this year that they deserve a break.
US House members are only scheduled to work eight days between now and January 7, when the entire membership returns for more of the same in the second session of the 113th Congress. Even the infamous “Do Nothing Congress” of 1948 did more than these lazy legislators.
The members of the US House enjoyed 239 days off scheduled during 2013, and believe it or not, they have even more off days scheduled for next year. What a great job they have including salary and benefits for doing little for US.
We've got news for all these politicians. Work is not just a four letter word.
The 2014 calendar for the House, released in October by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), shows members will only work 113 days. That's down from 2013, when House lawmakers were scheduled to meet for 126 days.
Nice work if you can get it...