Worship MoM

Submitted by ub on

Our journey to better health and much happiness begins with us and we will never reach it, unless we take care of Mother Earth.

All I want for Christmas is for humanity to take care of Mother Nature and we may then be able to have peace on earth and show goodwill towards all.

It seems like there is no reason why the world should shine and it looks like Mother Nature is no longer yours and mine. Does it worry you? Because it worries me.

Ecology includes our population, community, biosphere, and ecosystem. An ecosystem is all the living things interacting with the environment.

Humans are causing global warming, but we remain caught in the political crossfire.

Our ocean life is heading for extinction, Forests are tipping towards collapse, Insects are in decline, and it is dire worldwide, Biodiversity loss will hurt humans, Water scarcity is like a ticking time bomb, Global crop failures are now imminent.
So what in the world are we doing about it?

Seagrass beds are rebounding in some coastal areas in the United States, but the global picture is more mixed. Plants are a gauge of the health of marine ecosystems https://apnews.com/6b6dd238cee841ed8e5772722c6a1911/gallery/0c719bf0991…

