Border Chaos, Tear Gas and Nachos

Submitted by ub on

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”― Emma Lazarus

These folks traveled a long distance searching for a safe place to live and raise their families to live The American Dream. So then
Why has the greatest nation on earth decided to gas men, women and children seeking asylum, is it to Make America Hate Again?

A #USA #Mexico port of entry in California was temporarily closed following protests from migrants seeking to apply for asylum in #America…

Mothers, children, choked by gas U.S. agents use tear gas as some migrants try to breach U.S.-Mexico border…

Lawyers at powerful law firms have aggressively spearheaded efforts to thwart the administration’s immigration policies…

The White House again approves lethal use of force by troops at the border…

However, top guns at the Pentagon say the Army’s mission is limited…

Mexico says it will deport asylum seekers

A Fox News guest: Pepper spray used on migrants could be served on nachos…

‪Why tear gas, lobbed at migrants on the southern border, is banned in warfare…