Oh say can you see a very similar, delay, and vicious cycle that continues to be the reality for you and for me?
Americans take to the streets to protest oppressive policing. Legislators move swiftly to make anti-riot laws more restrictive, triggering First Amendment concerns. USA TODAY
Thousands marched over the weekend in Chicago, furious with police over the shooting of young Adam Toledo. CHICAGO TRIBUNE
Discipline for a prosecutor who misrepresented some facts of the case. CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
Some protests around the nation turned violent. NBC NEWS
Since 2005, police officers have fatally shot 22 children under the age of 16. THE WASHINGTON POST
“It will take far more than a few cops in a nation-shattering case of racist murder-by-authority to do structural damage to that edifice.” THE NEW YORK TIMES
Some news organizations aren’t showing the video of Toledo’s death. “Those aren’t moments we want to normalize in our news coverage.” THE WASHINGTON POST
Rage against the machine. These police killings of young black men “are not continuing to happen due to a lack of exposure but in spite of it.” THE NEW YORK TIMES
“Holy shit, I just shot him.” Tasers look and feel like guns, to devastating effect, as we saw once again in Minnesota last week. NEW YORK MAGAZINE
Courtesy of TMP Context: The filmmaker taking on Taser. THE MARSHALL PROJECT