Thomas X. Casey – - 718-549-8346
Secretary EBHF Photo - B & W or Color Image - Fort Schuyler, NY
The East Bronx History Forum is pleased to announce that the Forum will hold its 1st Off Site meeting at The Maritime Industry Museum, Fort Schuyler Bronx NY on Wednesday, September 17th 2014 at 7:30 pm.
The Maritime Industry Museum at Fort Schuyler is part of the State University of New York Maritime College. The Campus is located at 6 Pennyfield Avenue, Bronx NY 10465. The museum is funded, staffed, and maintained strictly though volunteer support and monetary contributions. Many Maritime College cadets volunteer time to serve as museum tour guides and provide exhibit construction and upkeep.
Captain James J. McNamara, is the Chairman of the Maritime Industry Museum and will lead a presentation of the history of Fort Schuyler and the high points of the Museum Exhibits. Visitors will explore seafaring in bygone years as well as today's present era. It has ship models, historic artifacts, nautical photographs and prints that share a true sense of being at sea with those individuals who experienced life in the merchant marine or passenger cruise line industry. Displayed chronologically is the main exhibit entitled "The Evolution of Seafaring" and from the ancient Phoenicians to present day steamship and passenger ship lines.