On this and every other #PresidentsDay, #USA honors the Commanders who have followed the Constitution and held our nation’s highest office. New York has teamed up with 15 other states and filed an explosive lawsuit against POTUS national emergency declaration, marking the strongest show of legal force yet against the dubious attempt to bankroll his border wall.
This Presidents Day serves as a reminder that, despite our differences, we are united as Americans in recognition of our real country’s leaders. No matter if they are Republican or Democrat... Not a single former president voted for Donald J Trump!
Presidents Day and Brookings https://brook.gs/2DF5bPH
Trump's Lying State of the Union 2019 - presented by Trump the Opera https://youtu.be/wJ_IqXWnOTo
Poor Leadership hits a record high in Presidents Day poll with nearly one-third blaming Donald Trump https://trib.al/u0Hq9e9
VP Pence forced to confront 'deafening' silence from US allies http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/pence-forced-confront-deafening…