Wake Up America

Submitted by ub on

Allow us to SPELL IT OUT LOUD and CLEAR by just Telling it to you straight: FEDERAL Legislation to restore the #VotingRightsAct has been sitting in the US Senate on McConnell’s desk for months. 

#MoscowMitch and the Republicans will directly benefit from allocating less polling places for American citizens who wish to exercise a legal right to cast their ballots and #VOTE  Welcome to elections amid #COVID19, where Americans don't know the results the morning after. So, get used to mail-in ballot-counting delays. They provide a crucial paper trail.

POTUS votes by mail.

Pence votes by mail.

Barr votes by mail.

The President's campaign manager votes by mail... etc.

They’re lying to you because they’re scared of your mail in ballots.

Make sure you have registered to vote by using mail-in ballots before its too late. The future of our Republic is at stake and only you can save it with mail-in ballots. There is no reason to jeopardize your health or safety by standing on long lines only to be told there’s a technical glitch or some other fabricated reason to stop you from voting. No More Lost Lives! 

Republican Trump made getting #COVID19 tests difficult. And POTUS may also try the same thing with mail-in ballots. There is a growing list of top #USA officials, including Trump, to attack voting by mail while also having a history of voting by mail. Experts have also debunked Trump’s attacks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/06/22/trump-officials-vote-by-mail/

