Hump Day Virtual Singalong

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For all of us who are fortunate to have survived the #COVID19 #CoronaVirus, we should consider ourselves blessed to be healthy and alive. After this disastrous year, it seems like a perfect time to celebrate "Vaccine Day" and make each other happy on Hump Day.

Because singing makes most people feel better, we invite all our friends to join my school buddy Jack, his lovely wife Sara, Yirong and me.  Wednesday, Dec 16th at 7:00 pm RSVP or

Thanks Gracias Xiexie

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The tumultuous year 2020 framed what promises to be one of the most challenging year-end seasons in recent memory.

With the pandemic still disrupting our daily lives, high rates of joblessness, the echoes of a divisive election cycle, and newfound urgency driving national discourse on civility. Front-line and health care workers are American heroes.

The Loser of the Year

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If you are one of our thousands of regular daily visitors of the best RSS digital news aggregator #DONews you probably know that one of its many free paywalls features news and information from all over the world.

A Great Weight Deflates

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The U.S. Supreme Court had rejected an 11th hour challenge to Joe Biden's election as president. #SCOTUS ruling came in a one-page order, which said the complaint was denied "for lack of standing."

Political corruption is believed to be the most prominent in positions of power. However, over the centuries, corruption has changed so much so as to not match a particular definition, perpetually growing and more difficult to specifically define. 

The Grinch Stole American Democracy

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With Over 15,000,000 cases, more than 3,000 deaths in a day, and increasing economic devastation, how many Americans died today? What was done today to make that number less tomorrow?

What is wrong with a person who said "I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Letter To and From Santa

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To the little ones in my life. I love you, so I will not be able to visit or to hug and kiss you during the Christmas holidays this year. To their parents, this is a template for you to go through as you formulate that special letter to Santa.

I know that my loved ones have been good, so I wrote a sample letter for their parents to use because I know this year they most likely have their hands extremely full.


Dear Olivia, and Parker-

John Lennon Anniversary

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They say the good die young and talented younger. I began my career as a student intern or The Washington Post. But my first really great paying job was at NBC, NY, where I worked for nearly a decade. I was there the night he died.

Years later I took one of my journalism college classes to Strawberry Fields on the 30 anniversary of his death.


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When I first moved to City Island, A Slice of NYC Paradise I found a small and quiet seaside village but I had no idea there would be so many knuckleheads living here who would eventually refuse to protect others and themselves by wearing masks. An old-timer who was born and died on the same street warned me that many of them had moved into our island. Captain Ed explained that according to local tradition, anyone actually born on the island is known as a "clamdigger". A City Island resident not born on the island is known as a "mussel-sucker."

We're Just Not Into You

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#WeThePeople Are Just Not Into You... Really never were. What’s his name never won the popular vote. He actually lost it both times. He is a pothole on the bumpy road to American Democracy.

After perpetrating the greatest public health disaster of our lifetime, he has been focused on bitching about the election, Christmas decorations, playing golf, and building a tennis pavilion. Really, honestly, what is the GOP totally full of?

Baby It's Warm Outside

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China has adopted a target to cut PRC's net carbon emissions to zero by 2060. Under Joe Biden, America will rejoin the Paris agreement, which it adopted five years ago.

In the financial markets, clean-energy firms are all the rage. And yet, 2020 has delivered a sobering reminder of the task at hand. This year looks set to be one of the warmest on record.