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Sit-ups were once ruled as the way to tighter abs and a slimmer waistline, while “planks” were merely flooring.

Now planks exercises in which you assume a position and hold it — are the gold standard for working your core, while classic sit-ups and crunches have fallen out of favor. Why the shift?


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The prime minister of Iraq says intelligence forces claim credible information has been uncovered about imminent plots by the Islamic State to launch attacks on subway systems in New York City and Paris.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told reporters at a meeting of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly that officials were made aware of these plots, but noted that they had not yet been thwarted.


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The sunshine is nowhere to be found today in The Big Apple as The New York Yankees play their final game of the season at home in The Bronx and team captain Derek Jeter bids his farewell to baseball fans near the home that Ruth built.

Following a season-long farewell tour around the major league parks, New York Yankees may get to play one last home game with No. 2 as their shortstop. Derek Jeter may be in for a sendoff, which has not been seen in The Bronx since NY Yankee great and #7 Mickey Mantle retired.


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The threat of militants in the Middle East was front and center at The United Nations, as US President Barack Obama insisted the entire world should rally behind an expanding military mobility with an ultimate condition, war on the Islamic State's network of death.

Obama addressed the General Assembly and said "There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil." He pointed out that force is the only language these militants understand and warned those who have joined their cause to leave them while they can.


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The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is mentioned in the Torah, inside the book of Leviticus as Yom Teruah, which can be translated as the Feast of Trumpets, or the Day of the Sounding of the Shofar, a religious musical instrument which is blown like a trumpet.

The first night of Rosh Hashanah, after the Ma'ariv service, it is customary to wish one another: L'shanah tovah tikatev ve'techatem l'alter l'chayim tovim: May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year, for good life immediately.


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The unemployment rate has fallen below double digits for the first time in years. according to New York State's Department of Labor.

Sinificantly Reduce Heart Attacks

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Background Adherence to a combination of healthy dietary and lifestyle practices may have an impressive impact on the primary prevention of myocardial infarction (MI). Men can reduce our chances of having a heart attack by as much as 86 percent, according to a new study conducted by the smarter gender. All we have to do is exercise, eat vegetables, not smoke, not drink, and trim down our waistline. So why isn’t everybody doing it?

Objectives The aim of this study was to examine the benefit of combined low-risk diet and healthy lifestyle practices on the incidence of MI in men.

Issues and Answers

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Too many corporations think about marketing to the 55 million strong Latino Market during Hispanic Heritage month or try on Cinco de Mayo.

However, these companies have put their money where their mouth is for Latino market. We'd like to call them our top "Three Amigos" aka The Three Caballeros 1944
AT&T “Between Two Worlds”
AT&T’s #BetweenTwoWorlds is the Hispanic movement in their expansive social media campaign #TheMobileMovement, which launched earlier this year. The company began the Hispanic operation in July 2014 as an opportunity to connect and engage bicultural Latinos, particularly digital-savvy millennials.
#BetweenTwoWorlds focuses on the lives of young acculturated Hispanics between their teens and mid-30s, who easily identify with both mainstream U.S. culture and their Latino background. Accompanying the #TheMobileMovement is a Tumblr page similarly featuring Spanglish posts. The two hashtags can also be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.…

Dunkin Donuts “Dunkin' Latino”
As of June 2014, Dunkin’ Donuts launched its Latino Twitter page, looking to cater to the company’s Spanish speakers. Last year, Dunkin’ Donuts also claimed to be the first national coffee retailer to make its website, mobile, and Facebook platforms available in Spanish and English.
With the social media campaign launch, there was a brief sweepstakes. Fans could follow @DunkinLatino and use the hashtag #MiDunkinEsTuDunkin to enter a chance to win a $100 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card for themselves and a friend. The brand is now supporting their digital Hispanic movement with hashtags such as #MiDunkin and #DunkinLatino.

McDonald’s “Me Encanta”
Back in 2011, McDonald’s introduced its Spanish-language Twitter campaign. @MeEncanta is a Spanglish-based account used to interact with fans about promotional deals through music, sports and education.
McDonald’s Latino movement is currently engaging its online audience with its hashtag #MiMomento. The hashtag, however, has not seemed to catch on yet with many of the posts coming from unrelated tweets.


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The American Eagle is once again spreading it's wings, but this time attacking ISIL in Syria, as well as in Iraq indicating that there will no longer be a safe haven for any terrorists.

US and Arab airstrikes targeted the Islamic State military strongholds in Syria against a group said to be plotting to attack the US and Western interests. Although this is good political theater, what has not been highlighted is that: First, US is now indirectly helping Syria's Bashar al-Assad. Second, air strikes alone will not do the job without Arab boots on the ground. Third, where are all of our allies when we need them. Where is Turkey, for example? How the Islamic State Took Turkey Hostage…

The US, along with five Arab nations attacked the Islamic State using land- and sea-based U.S. aircraft as well as Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from two Navy ships in the Red Sea and the northern Persian Gulf. These five Arab nations, which either participated in the airstrikes, or provided unspecified support were Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

9/23/14: ISIL compound strike: