Submitted by ub on

As spooky decorations go, skeletons are ho-hum. But a glow-in-the-dark skeleton typing a college paper? That we had to see.

It all began on Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock as the day begins…  A friend received an email after spotting a house that was decked out for Halloween. Its theme was right up my alley: the horrors of paying for the high tuition rates.

I hurried to see the decoration. I walked through a quiet neighborhood, turned down the block, and spotted the two-story brick house. Sure enough, a handmade sign by the walkway said, “College Financial Aid.” Another, invoking Dante’s Inferno, bore a hellish greeting: “Abandon hope all ye who enter.” The tuition crush and higher education admissions can be extremely frightening.

While on a scary subject,  We're about to enter the Digital Dark Ages and Online archives are vanishing but they're taking our personal date and history with them.!!!…