Submitted by ub on

The MAGA Republican cult will continue to lie cheat and steal from all law abiding Americans in order to remain in power.

Donald Trump may have called tariffs the “most beautiful word in the dictionary” on Tuesday, but reporting shows that his economic plans would destroy the economy in nearly every metric. His isolationist policy would skyrocket inflation rates, harm the stock market, and damage America’s global economic standing. He will blame his loss on anyone else.


Immigration researchers, lawyers, and economists have pointed to immense constitutional, humanitarian and economic problems posed by the GOP’s oft-repeated pledge.

But beyond the anticipated damage to immigrant families, communities and local economies, the roundup and deportation of some 11 million people is near impossible to bankroll, according to published reports on an analysis of U.S. budget and immigration courts.


Another former Republican who questioned Trump during a recent town hall about the January 6 Capitol attack, has now stated he will not vote Republican after being unsatisfied with his responses..


DonOld’s criminality, the cruelty, the misogyny, the racism, the viciousness, the freaking fascism—then surely the steep cognitive decline of a man who is running to be the leader of the free world should matter.

In order to underscore how perilous this moment is, all media outlets should just play the uncut video from that event beginning to end so the American people can see who the Republican Party thinks is a viable candidate for the most important job on the planet.