Midnight on Monday is the first deadline for a US government shutdown. This massive mistake would hinder the economy, waste billions of dollars in federal funds and scare in the markets. In fact, it is already causing an institutional slowdown in normal operations for agencies and businesses.
The US Office of Management and Budget estimated in 1996 that those two previous closures in that fiscal year lasting a total of 26 days, wound up costing US taxpayers $1.4 billion, or roughly double in today's economy.
Not to make you feel worse, but the second deadline are the effects of the looming debt-ceiling debate that would complicate the impact of a potential shutdown.
Our US government is expected to run out of money in the middle of October, if White House and Congressional leaders fail to reach an agreement on that front.
Some feel that breaching the debt limit could lead to a deep, and dark recession.
Why are US taxpayers allowing politicians to play with the principles and foundations that out founding fathers established and many generations fought and died for? Are their individual priorities focused on filling their campaign coiffures with cash contributions, while our nation moves closer to a dangerous precipice? When will taxpayers push the resent button and tell politicians they are mad as hell and refuse to take it anymore?
See The Washington Post link: