
Happy Father’s Day

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Happy Father’s Day to all POTUS who diligently worked to keep themselves physically fit while serving in The White House.

Coffee Light and Sweet

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A recent study has found that coffee drinkers live longer even if some of them like to add sugar to their popular morning java brew.

Scientists tracked 171,000 middle-aged participants in the UK between 2009 and 2018 to see how likely they were to die within a nine-year period.

These researchers found that adults who enjoyed a regular brew are up to a third less likely to die young.

Slow Down Enjoy Life

Submitted by ub on

As I grow older and hopefully wiser I know how important is to take my time, talking, driving, eating, walking, and all life pleasures.

Scientists say that slowing down is a sign of something more serious, but I have seriously enjoyed driving and doing things slowly. In fact I was told years ago by a newsmaker that a problem as he saw it was that everyone are in a hurry and rushing only to place a down payment on their tombstone.


Submitted by ub on

Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud in public, at work, or anywhere a humorous situation arises. If it’s funny, it deserves a good 😆  LOL.

A series of studies show the positive impact humor can have on our physical and mental health. For one, it can reduce stress. When we start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in our body,


Work signifies different images to many people depending on who you are, where you live, and your individual point of view.

Resignation is the formal act of leaving your job or quitting work. A resignation can occur when a person holding a position gained by election or appointment steps down, but leaving a position upon the expiration of a term, or choosing not to seek an additional term, is not considered resignation. When an employee chooses to leave a position, it is considered a resignation. In the meantime, work hard, take risks, and live for the moment.