Digital Democracy

Digital Battle

Submitted by ub on

E-democracy or digital democracy is a form of government in which all adult citizens are presumed to be eligible to participate equally in proposals, developments, and creations of legislation including social, economic and cultural conditions on decisions of political self-determination.

It was 155 years ago, The Battle of Gettysburg was fought today. This turning point in the Civil War ended General Robert E. Lee's second and most ambitious invasion of the Northern states.

Always Check It Out

Submitted by ub on

False information spreads like wildfire across social networks, particularly during primaries, midterm, and general elections.

I learned a long time ago never to believe everything you're told or read until I become engaged in checking all facts. I reject terms like fake news, witch hunt, the enemy of the people.

Never has it been easier than now to do just that. This is the reason I emphasize to all my students to become involved in an exhaustive fact-checking process. Everyone should be doubling down on facts.


Submitted by ub on

The United States of America must conduct an investigation and consider canceling special interest influence and donations. These culprits are spreading cancer and endangering our government by increasingly infiltrating our political system of government.

Special interests are the predatory animals which are devouring our democracy. Some of these toxic groups direct public policy and increasingly play a destructive part in the development of political and social systems. Special interests are demeaning and patronizing. They've gone wild and are now dangerous and out of control.

Democracy’s Final Hurrah?

I never want to see democracy’s final hurrah, and trust me neither do you. Believe me that I can tell you!

Years ago, I surprised a lot of people, including myself by making a career move from the dark side to a brighter side: After a lifetime of jaded journalism trenches starting with my very intense 3 months long full-time internship with The Washington Post and Newsweek, I was hired by NBC News, then management stints at Univision, Telemundo, VOA, News12 and The AP, where I finally took a buy out and moved into academia.



Submitted by Admin on

IMAGINUS MEDIA has launched a new platform to amplify the voice of the people providing an easy method to contacting government representatives, which includes specific US House, Senate and Supreme Court topics and trending issues.

Contact government representatives and let them know how you feel about governing in the sunshine with this news strategic form of Electronic-democracy, also called digital democracy, and Internet democracy.

Reject Isms

Just say no to the fifth digit; the little finger or tiny toe. Our modern world demands digital democracy. The days of intimidation, mob rule and total control must be left behind. Trust me, I have lived under a dictatorship, communism but will always and forever vote for a democratic way of life.

The isms are a distinctive philosophy, typically a political ideology or a movement. "of all the isms, Totalitarianism, Communism and Fascism are the most repressive.


GOP Conventional Wisdom?

Submitted by ub on

#ChasingCleveland - There were some issues on display on GOP's first day that should have been avoided.

First, there was the chaos on the floor that looked like a banana republic and bully pulpit system after there were were sufficiently conspicuous opportunities to speak on convention rules and then be voted on.

This terrible dissent in which to advocate a real agenda was a wonderful opportunity for digital democracy. Instead, the opposing delegates are now reportedly now being threatened by pro-Trump forces.

A Digital Democracy

Submitted by ub on

The practice of a digital system of democracy would not only allow registered voters to opine on which issues they want candidates to discuss, but also tell politicians where to focus their time and energy.

Which topic would the majority of US voters like to see the Congress dealing with? Does it matter to you, your family and fiends?

Whether you know who you’re voting for, are yet to decide or have a specific subject candidates should be addressing. Everyone's contributions would help shape the future of this great nation.

We invite you to visit NEWSHOOKS.COM

Media Blogs for Students

Adweek: This blog makes it simple to keep up with news in the press, television, technology, and advertising. Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism shares data, analysis, news, and reports through this must-read blog.

Newshooks: Here, readers can find articles on a wide scope of journalism-related topics.

Mashable: This blog is still a must-read for anyone who wants to be at the cutting edge of social media and digital technology.



Submitted by Admin on

Seasons Greetings from City Images, which supports Digital Democracy for our planet. We don't need worthless politicians. Public servants do nothing to benefit the people and bow to special interests.

Lets promote Digital Democracy through the digital platform designed for the people. The Internet revolution must be the catalyst to collapse old political hierarchies.

Merry Christmas and Happy News Year!

PO Box 147 City Island Station