
Remembering Betty White

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Betty White, star of classic sitcoms, a perennial presence on TV, and a golden girl died Friday, December 31 at the young age of 99.

CBS News Correspondent Mo Rocca looks back on the life of the Emmy-winner, and talks with "Mary Tyler Moore Show" creator James L. Brooks, and White's costar on "Hot in Cleveland," Wendie Malick.


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Resolutions are never kept and overrated, so we decided to offer our list of solutions for every possibility that may arise in 2022.

The pandemic may dominate global attention in 2022, along with the #USA Democracy struggling and the #Republican party race to the bottom with its continuing disgraceful actions.

Happiness starts with telling yourself the truth, even when it hurts.

Make sure you always have your own money.

Oxytocin Superspreaders

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A hormone and a neurotransmitter that is scientifically associated with empathy, trust, kindness, love, and relationship-building.

We can reportedly all become human superspreaders by practicing simple acts of kindness.

Happy Hanukkah 2021

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Happy Hanukkah... Please enjoy The Festival of Lights that has already officially begun as we observe lighting the menorah.  

This Jewish holiday celebrates the Maccabean revolt against the Syrian-Greek army. The lighting of the menorah is perhaps the most well-known tradition. It is usually placed in a window or a doorway.


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You never know when you’ve going to need one, so it is better to be safe than to be sorry you did not take the time to plan ahead.

To be better safe than sorry is to be cautious or prepared so that you do not later make a mistake. People who are better safe than sorry arrange and organize ahead of time so that they do not have to face negative consequences in the future. This may mean they are physically safe or that they are safe from bad events.


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Having integrity means to live in accordance to our deepest values, be honest with everyone, and always keeping our word.

These are the values to never compromise on, no matter what. Then to analyze every choice made to ensure it is the right one.

Health, Happiness, Family and Friends

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The way I see it, there are at least eight types of friendship that human beings may wish to classify, understand and characterize.

There’s no doubt that social connections are important to our overall health, happiness and quality of life. There can be eight or many more, depending on our personal point of view. However it is up to us to keep a healthy lifestyle and stay happy.


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The five steps to success… Cinco pasos para tener exito… 成功的五个步骤

Great Birthday Gifts

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I got wonderful gifts for my birthday, including a modern air purifier from my dear daughters.

The surprises included texts that I read as well as cards, emails and voice mails I heard. However since I no loger visit that platform which has recently lost face, I apologize to all those freinds who may have sent greetings, but did not take the time required to read my parting messages of Adios Amigos, ands Hasta La Vista!