

Submitted by ub on

I am what I am and love who I am because I am Roberto, aka UB The Island Man. City Island  - A Slice of NYC Paradise.

Love yourself and be grateful for all you have in life. Learn to laugh at the mistakes you make along the way. Each day, feel the enthusiasm for your vision as if it has already happened. Stay open for the remarkable to occur. Young children may teach us something. As adults, we can be persistent in going for what we value.

USA Presidents Pray

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On George Washington’s Birthday, sometimes called President Day, City Images looks at the way our POTUS preferred to pray.

Washington's Birthday became a federal holiday back in 1879. Nearly one hundred years later in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved several federal holidays to Mondays and established Washington's Birthday as the third Monday in February. At that same time, it was recommended but not adopted that the holiday be renamed Presidents Day, to celebrate Lincoln's birthday as well.

Russian Olympic Cheaters

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A Russian tested positive for trimetazidine, an angina medication banned in sports, in a sample given at St. Petersburg championships.

Valentines Day Countdown

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Before seeking your love mate, please know that to be happy together each person must feel truly happy inside their own skin.

Now that we got that out of the way,  Are you searching for someone older, younger, or just a partner regardless of their looks, age, or financial attraction?

In the old days, folks answered lonely hearts ads in their local newspaper, they went on blind dates or tried other dating methods. 

The Tiger Year

This is the greatest party on earth with over one billion families on earth celebrating the year of the Tiger and taking time off from work.

The holiday, which is observed by primarily East Asian countries and Vietnam, ushers in the Year of the Tiger. The animal, one of a dozen in the Chinese zodiac, is considered a positive sign, often associated with the defeat of evil,

The New Normal?

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For the past four years, Republicans have told numerous lies including fake treatments, and made empty promises on the global pandemic.

As shelter in-place orders are lifted across the country and people return to routines and activities, many wonder what the new normal looks like from now on to post coronavirus.…


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Silence is a great teacher. Listen and learn. There is no substitute for creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to connect your core of inner silence.

Staying quiet can bestow the ability to listen. Few do it well. Most only listen until it's time to speak.

Silence Brings Powerful Insights to Our Lives 

MLK in Albany

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History points to an unsuccessful protest in Albany, Georgia that actually helped #MLK Martin Luther King Jr. become a national leader.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a rising civil rights figure when he came to Albany, Georgia, in December 1961, keen to provide a shot in the arm to a desegregation movement that was gathering new steam.

Does History Repeat?

Seriously…While it is often remarked that "history repeats itself", in cycles of less than cosmological duration can this be strictly true?

Historic recurrences of the "striking-similarity" type can sometimes induce a sense of "convergence", "resonance" or déjà vu.

Attacks on houses of worship…