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Sex and Death In The City

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An NYPD cop became enraged at finding her ex-girlfriend together with another woman killing the new lover and wounding the ex.

A threesome as a one-off (so to speak). A three-in-a-bed is a sexual encounter Among three people, usually at least for two of those involved for the first and last time.

We Love New York

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Over eight million New Yorkers live, work, and play here.

New York City is where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. Manhattan island is densely populated and among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers.

School's Out

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So Soak in the Summer Sun with these amazing tales and stories: Good books make reading fun. Stories for young children should be of all kinds – folktales, funny tales, exciting tales, tales of the wondrous, and stories that tell of everyday things. What you'll need: A variety of interesting books. What to do: An essential step in learning to read is good books read aloud. Mom could make sure Reading is fun, so never go to sleep without reading. 

Cardboard Walls

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First and foremost, a shout out to one of our best Telemundo TV Los Angeles broadcast newswomen I admire. Sandra Luz Gallegos Devine, who was far ahead of her time when she took on my assignment to live with the homeless population of LA Skid Row.

The Knowledgeable President

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They’re members of the most selective group on earth. The board members are named Angela, Boris, Emmanuel, Justin, Mario, Yoshihide, and newbie Joe Biden.

This exclusive group will finally meet following 4 years of an attempt at disruption from the USA and after a 2-year global pandemic interruption.

Charged To The Max

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Seen here with possible alleged conspirators, including a notorious pedophile, Ghislaine Maxwell is charged with child sex trafficking.

Maxwell may get absolutely crushed at her trial, and it appears to be too late for her to flip. There will be no more redacted testimony and people will be identified. When prosecutors add serious charges like this, in the run-up to trial that's typically a sign that they're done waiting.   

Not Giving Up My OBE

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Brits and Americans are divided by attitudes toward the House of Windsor. Why are there different reactions to Harry and Meghan Markle’s Oprah interview? What is the attraction to learn about The Royals who're among the most dysfunctional families on earth?

Living For Democracy?

Last night, I was channel surfing and stopped to watch #MSNBC’s @Lawrence on cable TV. O’Donnell, whom I had met years earlier when Lawrence was a guest on The McLaughlin Group program I was co-producing. On last night's show  Lawrence was interviewing Aaron Sorkin and Sasha Baron Cohen about their award-winning film. 

Attacking GOP Court Packing

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Packing #SCOTUS has become a Washington power struggle that will continue for years. It was the most partisan confirmation vote for a Supreme Court justice in modern American history and the first time since 1869 that justice was confirmed without a single vote from the opposing party.

The US Constitution allows Congress to determine how many justices should make up the SCOTUS. That number has ranged from 6 to 10, before settling at 9. If they win control, Democrats can now expand the number to remedy GOP court-packing.