Security, Military

Afghan Death Devils

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13 members of the US military and dozens of innocent civilians were killed near the outskirts of Kabul Airport after being targeted.

Head For The Border

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Head for the border says the Guardian in its front page headline - as the mad scramble to escape Afghanistan intensifies. 

The British press is publishing newspaper reports that a suggestion by the defense secretary came as the UK made last-ditch efforts to airlift hundreds of remaining interpreters as well as others who have supported the UK. 

Seven Days in August

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POTUS says the American military is on track to meet an announced withdrawal of USA forces by the self-imposed August 31 deadline,

GOP Nightmare Ending

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The never-ending war Republicans started and gave legitimacy to Taliban terrorists then agreed to a withdrawal is beginning to end.

200 Delightful Days

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On this 200th day of Joe Biden's presidency, the forecast appears to be mostly sunny, with some clouds and scattered showers ahead. This, according to is a review of important data compiled from several major polls. President Biden said it best ‘ 200 days down – and America is moving forward once again.‘

By most measures, POTUS has gotten off to a strong start. President Biden’s overall job approval has had a solid majority while disapproval has stabilized significantly.

Fixing Phoenix

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The US Department of Justice has decided to investigate the past and present Police Department practices in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix is the capital of the southwestern U.S. state of Arizona. As you can see from the image above taken early this morning by local media, This city offers year-round sun and hot weather with usually a dry climate.

More Russia Hacking

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The US Justice Department says it is investigating and believes their email accounts were compromised from May 7 to Dec. 27, 2020.

Such a timeframe is notable because the SolarWinds campaign, which infiltrated dozens of private-sector companies and think tanks as well as at least nine U.S. government agencies, was first discovered and publicized in mid-December, according to The Associated Press reported.

Divided Republicans in Denial

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The Grand Old Party is at the edge of a political precipice for the first time since it was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. 

GOP Epiphany

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The Republicans experience of a sudden and striking realization. The Grand Old Party will have a philosophical and political discovery.

The US House of Representatives select committee charged with investigating the January six insurrection holds its first public hearing. The committee will hear testimony from four police officers who were on the front lines the day of the attack.

Are Republican Liars and Criers?

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The GOP weeks ago initially rejected a bi-partisan commission to investigate the US Capitol insurrection and get to just the facts.

The Republicans had the opportunity for a bipartisan commission but the Senate said no and the House members are whining about the Democrat House Speaker rejecting two out of five recommendations because they may be key investigation witnesses. The GOP is hell-bent on promoting a complete distortion of facts.